Thursday, November 04, 2004

Prank Time!

YESSS!!!! I finally pulled a prank. My softball teamate Emma was out with some friends, so about 4 other teamates and I were playing cards and I said, hey guys, lets pull one on Emma. It was the perfect time because she wasn't around. We went into her room and emptied ALL her stuff! It was hilarious. I called my friend Blayre and asked her if we could store all of Emma's crap in her room and she said we went for it. We took her mattress, bed frame, clothes, computer, pictures, shoes, phone, name it, we took it. It was awesome. But I guess one of the R.A.'s heard about it through some big mouth neighbor of Emma's and so it was brought up in every single floor meeting that it was against the rules to ever pull a prank like that again. Our RA announced that at our meeting and everybody thought the prank was hilarious....HAHAHA....Emma, of course, freaked out when she walked into her room and everything was gone. She quickly realized it was us and we helped her move it all back. It was SO worth it. Haha, good times in Main Hall.


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