Thursday, November 04, 2004

Prank Time!

YESSS!!!! I finally pulled a prank. My softball teamate Emma was out with some friends, so about 4 other teamates and I were playing cards and I said, hey guys, lets pull one on Emma. It was the perfect time because she wasn't around. We went into her room and emptied ALL her stuff! It was hilarious. I called my friend Blayre and asked her if we could store all of Emma's crap in her room and she said we went for it. We took her mattress, bed frame, clothes, computer, pictures, shoes, phone, name it, we took it. It was awesome. But I guess one of the R.A.'s heard about it through some big mouth neighbor of Emma's and so it was brought up in every single floor meeting that it was against the rules to ever pull a prank like that again. Our RA announced that at our meeting and everybody thought the prank was hilarious....HAHAHA....Emma, of course, freaked out when she walked into her room and everything was gone. She quickly realized it was us and we helped her move it all back. It was SO worth it. Haha, good times in Main Hall.

Softball Begins!

Today we had a softball information meeting. We are all so excited to get things going again, we were all so dissapointed when the tournament in West Virginia was cancelled. At the meeting we recieved our schedule for the spring. I AM SO EXCITED. It's going to be way too much fun. For spring break we're going to a tournament in Florida. How awesome is that? Wow! Who would have thought. It isn't all fun and games though. We also were given our wlorkout schedule and regimen. It is definitley not a cakewalk. I'm going to be in the best shape of my life. I can now run 2 miles straight without stopping, so that's pretty good, and let me tell ya... it isn't flat ground around here. Sheesh. Anyway, I'm so excited I had to write about it. Better go get my laundry!

Things Learned...

Throughout my time here is the East/Souf I have learned many things. I will now list them for you, and every once and a while I will add new ones...So be sure to check back!

  • It's not pop or even soda, IT'S COKE!
  • The # of loads per laundry detergent IS important.
  • You must pick up after YOURSELF!
  • It feels REALLY good to have $2 in cash... and that's on a good day.
  • You say Ma'am after everything you say to a woman.
  • . You say 'Hello' to every single person you ever pass by... even if they look scary.
  • You can never be in a hurry, things move slower here in the South.
  • It's not 'Bye' it's more like 'Biuh' with a little twang to it.
  • When speaking to one person you simply say 'Hey' when speaking to a group of 2-10 people you say Y'all ( yes the apostrophe is in the right spot) and when speakin to 11 or more you say HEY Y'ALL!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

This is me with my haunted house paint on! I had been sweating a lot, so a lot of it had rubbed of. I wore a black fleece coat that covered up my arms and all of my neck, so I was totally covered! It was awesome. Posted by Hello


Well, we got through the whole haunted house dilema. It went pretty well, and we made some good $$$ for the softball team. I had a blast doing it and by the end of the whole thing on Saturday night I was exhausted. My teamate Rachel and I had the hardest jobs in the whole house. We were in the maze as well as 2 other rooms. We had our entire faces painted black and we wore all black clothes and then to top it off we wore black beanies...we were basically invisible in the maze. We wore glow in the dark teeth. It looked so creepy. I scared myself when i looked in the mirror! In the maze we would hide in a corned then walk right up to people and basically be in their faces then we would smile and it would freak them out because it was like these teeth were just floating in the air! HAHAHA.I got some good screams out of people of all ages. It was great to see people come together and make a success out of a bunch of crap (I almost mean that literally!). It was kinda crazy, the first day we went to start setting up and build we were so stressed that we wouldn't get anything done, but we were wrong! It went great, and the community really appreciated all our work. It was a great experience.