Thursday, October 28, 2004

Haunted House?

Well, a few weeks ago coach marquez asked the team if we would like to help out in the local haunted house. And of course none of us could pass up the opportunity to scare little kids. So we were all excited. got a call on tuesday night saying, " why haven't you set up the haunted house yet. It's getting close to opening time!" So she freaked out and called all of us and let us know that not only do we have to work in the dang thing, we have to build it and make it scary! So wednesday night we went to the site and saw what we had to work with. Not much. So i said, " let's go back to campus and recruit some workers and helpers." I'm a genius. So with my wit and charm i went into the boys' house and got a few to come help us out. Good thing they agreed to help, they have great imaginations! So we got most of it done last night, but let me just say, IT'S GHETTO. HAHA. No joke, it's pretty funny. But i guess it's for the community and the Parks guy who was there to KIND OF help us said that it's great, so i guess my view of a haunted house is different becasuse i've only been to ones that are sponsored by radio stations with thousands of dollars to work with. So, we'll see how it goes. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Here I am with my scrumptious birthday cake. It had little rainbow chips in it! Yummy! Posted by Hello

This is me and my friends headed off to play wiffle ball on my birthday. Posted by Hello

Happy Halloween! Thanks to Rendy I have some sort of costume. Precious Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

YES! That is a real camel in Washington D.C.. Posted by Hello


Well, not much is going on here at SVU. Except that my birthday is in 3 , count them, 3 days! I will be 19 and almost not a teenager anymore. WIERD! Doesn't sound right. Time seems to be going too slow these days. I 'X' off the days until I get to come home and each day seems to take an eternity. I guess this is a case of homesickness. BUT I haven't cried about it yet. So, that's good I guess. I feel like going to sleep right now, but I have homework to do that I know I won't do tomorrow, so it must be done tonight. I don't know what else to say... besides that fact that I wish softball would start again, I hate this sitting around thing. Seems as if nothing at all is getting done. No good. I should be going now, I'll write again soon.

Monday, October 18, 2004


Well, it's officially freezing here in VA. the heaters here in the dorms don't get turned on until November 1st, so until then we will see our breath when we sleep. haha. they made a fire in the fireplace in main hall, so i'll have to go do homework by it. My neighbor here in the dorms was smart enough to get a space heater, BUT she blew a fuse, so when abby and i came home last night nothing was working. we were scared that someone was playing a trick on us because there are some heavy duty pranks going on in these parts, but we found out it was a fuse and we just got power back about an hour ago. our RA had to be our alarm clock this morning. anyway, i'm not complaining because i'd rather have iceicles hanging from my nose hair than be hott like it was a couple weeks ago! i gotta go to class. Peace.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Here I am with (from the left), Linda, Destiny and Laura. This was our last stop, we were exhausted! Posted by Hello

Here is a quote that was inscribed at Franklin D. Roosevelt's memorial. I really liked it, so I took a picture! If you can't see it that well, it says, " Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from want. Freedom from fear." Posted by Hello

Here is the Capitol where Legislature meets. It was huge. Posted by Hello

Here is a small view of the World War II monument. There were tons of veterans there with their families and grandchildren. There is a wall in the monument with stars and each star represents a certain amount of deaths from the war. Let me just say, there were WAY too many stars. Posted by Hello

Here is my main man Abe. His statue was huge and his shack wasn't too shabby either. The Gettysburg address was inscribed on the walls all around him. Posted by Hello

Here is THE White House. It felt weird to be standing in front of it. It is much smaller than I had expected. The grounds around it were very closely gaurded and protected. It was beautiful. Posted by Hello

This is the Washington Monument, better known as 'The Pencil' here on the East Coast. The reflection pool was awesome. This picure was taken standing in front of Abraham Lincoln's shack. Posted by Hello

This here is the flag that was hung from the side of the Pentagon after the attacks on September 11th. I had chills when I was looking at it. There are spots where it is torn and many dirt marks. It was quite a sight. Posted by Hello

Washington DC!

Well, i visited our nation's capitol today. it was a VERY long day. we left at 6am from Byoona then we arrived in DC around 9ish. It was Linda, Destiny, Laura, and Tifanie. We visited all the major sites and we had a blast. we figured we walked about 10 miles if not more! the weather was crisp and it felt good. all the buildings there are giant and pretty intimidating. DC was a pretty cool city from what i saw. i must have seen 10 millions people jogging, it has got to be one of the most physically fit cities in the US. It was very cool, and very very interesting.the museums were amazing. i especially like the American History museum. it was so weird to real artifacts instead of just in a history book or in a video. there are only 2 things i didn't get to see that i really wanted to, those are the Pentagon and the Holocaust museum. i'm sure i'll be back to DC so it's no big deal. I took lots of pictures but there is no way that a picture could describe the feeling you get from actually being there. It's a pretty awsesome sight to stand in front of the White House where decisions regarding our nation's future are made. Anyway, i had an awsome day but i'm exhausted. It's saturday night right now and since Thursday night i have had 3 hours of sleep. So I'm about to pass out. I'll write again another day.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Abby and Carson. Cousins on their own for the first time. Seems like we were just little kids yesterday, eating dinner at Grandma's on the trampoline. Posted by Hello

Leah and Carson.  Posted by Hello

The Girls up at the Parway. The fire was on concrete! Posted by Hello

This is me! Carson Vienna at SVU. Posted by Hello

Crazy Times

Well, I am mid-way through my first semester of college life. It's definitley been interesting so far. I'm in a town called Buena Vista. Yet the locals put a little twang on it and call it Byoona. The obviously never learned spanish here! I've made some amazing friends from all over the country. We became fast friends and we never looked back. I feel like they are friends that I've had my entire life. Pretty good times here in the VA. There is so much more that I could say, but it's really late and I need to get some ZZZ's. I'll write again soon!